20 State Route 339 North, Fancy Farm, Kentucky 42039

Grade 6-12 Code of Conduct

Form D-3: Gr. 6-12 Youth Code of Conduct (Rev. 5/2019)


The Offices of Catholic Schools, Faith Formation and Youth Ministry provide opportunities for young people from all over the Diocese of Owensboro to encounter and follow Jesus Christ, building a community of faith that empowers them to go forth as missionary disciples. With these goals in mind, we have certain expectations of the children, youth, and adults who participate.

1. I understand that young people participating in the Church’s youth activities (under 18 or any older youth still participating in high school level activities) are under the care of supervisory adults, who are responsible for knowing and following diocesan policy. I will be cooperative and respect their role.
2. I will remain at the event for its duration unless organizers have received expressed permission from my parent/guardian.
3. I will respect the rights of all. I will treat everyone with respect, courtesy, dignity, patience, and integrity. If assisting an adult, I will use positive reinforcement with younger children and not threaten, demean, or degrade others.
4. I will present myself in a way that promotes a good reputation for my school/parish/family and me. This includes attire appropriate to the activity (e.g. modesty, logos, etc).
5. I will treat property with care. If something is damaged, I will tell a supervisory adult.
6. I will avoid posing any health risk to others (i.e. fevers or other contagious situations).
7. I understand the use of cell phones and other electronic devices is discouraged, unless a supervisory adult grants permission. Any
technology use should reflect the goals and mission of the activity.
8. I will not possess or use tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs. I will not possess or use pornographic or other inappropriate videos, reading materials, or other objects.
9. I will not possess, use, or threaten to use any object to injure another person or myself (e.g. knives/sharp objects, guns, weapons). The Diocese has in place a Search & Seizure Policy (available on request and on diocesan website).
10. If I am being hurt or if I become aware that anyone else is being hurt emotionally/verbally/physically, I will notify a supervisory adult.
11. I understand in extreme cases of misconduct, my parent/guardian and legal authorities will be notified, regardless of the time. In these cases parents/guardians will be financially and/or physically responsible for participant’s transportation home from school/event. I understand I am subject to diocesan search and seizure policies (available upon request and on diocesan website).
12. If I become aware of any violation of this Code of Conduct by anyone, it is my responsibility to notify a supervisory adult as soon as possible.

I understand that any action inconsistent with this Code of Conduct may result in appropriate disciplinary action.

1. By signing this, I acknowledge that photographs/videos of my child may be used for the purpose of publication. If I do not want my child photographed for such purpose, I am responsible for notifying the program organizer in writing.
2. Diocesan policy states that “no one should be left alone in a supervisory capacity. There should always be a minimum of two Safe Environment-cleared adults” present. Parent(s)/guardian(s) are to ensure that child arrives and is picked up at designated times to avoid violation of this policy. This also applies to teens who transport themselves.

--An adult supervisor in attendance should have this form accessible. For school events if youth are not accompanied by school representative, then
forms should be submitted to appropriate school office PRIOR to event

Form D-3 (Page 1 of 1)


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